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Dairy Industry Consultative Committee

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The NSW Dairy Industry Consultative Committee (DICC) was established to provide the NSW Minister for Agriculture and the NSW Food Authority with a consistent and concise forum for consulting on matters relating to the Dairy Food Safety Scheme.

In particular, it consults on matters including:

  1. the continuing operation of the Dairy Food Safety Scheme
  2. any proposed amendment of the Dairy Food Safety Scheme.

Section 105 of the Food Act 2003 requires the Food Authority to consult with industry sectors affected by a regulatory Food Safety Scheme, in accordance with provisions of that Scheme.

The Dairy Food Safety Scheme under Food Regulation 2015 commenced in November 2014.

The committee performs a consultative role with government to ensure the safe and suitable supply of dairy products for human consumption and advises the Food Authority on policies and practices that may be introduced into Dairy Food Safety Schemes.

DICC members are appointed by the CEO of the Food Authority with membership drawn from a broad skills base across the dairy sector. Each member has expertise in specific fields enabling them to provide the Food Authority with a broad range of expert advice and new ideas to enhance strategic focus and issue resolution across the dairy sector.

Members are appointed for a term of up to 2 years and the DICC is chaired by the Food Authority.

Functions of the Dairy Industry Consultative Committee

The DICC provides feedback to the NSW Minister for Agriculture and the Food Authority on issues relating to dairy industries, including:

  • food safety policy and practices
  • the Dairy Food Safety Scheme
  • labelling, handling and hygiene
  • investigating and prosecuting businesses and individuals engaged in deceptive or misleading conduct.


The DICC meets approximately every 6 months, with agenda items called for 1 month before each meeting.

Meeting outcomes


NSW Dairy Industry Consultative Committee membership 2024 – 2026 

RepresentationName / Title
NSW Farmers' AssociationMR ASHLEY COOPER
Policy Director, Agricultural Industries (Extensives)
Manager, Dairy Export Assurance Program (DEAP) and International Market Access
The Riverina Dairy Pty LtdMR IAIN FEE
Quality Improvement Coordinator
NSW Farmers' AssociationMR MALCOLM HOLM
Deputy Chair, NSW Farmers’ Association Dairy Committee
Norco Foods
(A Division of Norco Co-operative Ltd)
Quality Assurance Systems Coordinator
Research and Development Manager
Deputy Chair
Star Combo Pharma LtdMS SU ZHANG
Chief Executive Officer
NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional DevelopmentDR LISA SZABO (Committee Chair)
Director Food Safety & CEO NSW Food Authority

Terms of Reference

The primary objective of the DICC is to contribute to the Food Authority’s goal of ensuring the production and sale of dairy products that are safe and suitable for human consumption, by advising on policy and practices introduced into diary food safety schemes and developed through a consultative process.

The DICC consults with the Food Authority on food safety schemes under the Food Act 2003 relating to the dairy industry.

The DICC is also consulted on other dairy industry matters covered by the provisions of the Food Regulation 2015. This may include:

  • conducting consultation with the Food Authority for the purposes of section 105 of the Act in relation to the dairy food safety scheme
  • the ongoing review of the operation of the dairy food safety scheme.

Where considered appropriate, the DICC may establish sub-committees to address specific issues between scheduled DICC meetings.

In addressing issues, the DICC will take into account, where appropriate, the policies and practices of interstate and overseas government food agencies and industry organisations.

Where appropriate, members will provide industry updates and current issues at each DICC meeting.

The Food Authority may continue to provide the Minister with its own advice on issues that come before the DICC.

DICC Charter and Procedural Guidelines


Enquiries regarding the DICC can be made by contacting the relevant industry representative or the NSW Food Authority helpline at: 
on 1300 552 406

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